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Monday, August 14, 2017

iQ Project #1. Part 4. Placing the Block Patterns.

Simple Custom Quilting.   iQ Project #1. 2017

4. Placing the block patterns.

Want to watch the video on Youtube? This is the link.
This post does have some step by step written instructions to follow but please watch the video first.
If you are new to iQ or new to doing custom quilting with iQ, watch it three or more times before working on your own project. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me.
I do not write every single step (I omit telling you to touch the finished button, for example) but give you a good guide. It should be obvious when you have to touch finished or continue.)

There is one place in the written steps that improves upon the way I do something in the video – you might want to follow the better method note rather than copy what I do in the video at that point.

So, let’s get started!
At the main menu, choose Design/Sew Quilt, then Edit/Sew Existing and retrieve your quilt map.

Add/Edit Pattern > Block Pattern > Select Block  - touch the top left hand 10” block.
Select the project pattern catalog and touch the feathered heart.
Zoom in and turn your zoom lock on.
Finished > Add Pattern> Block Pattern > Use Current Block – select the geometric catalog and select line.
Move line so one end snaps to the top left corner of the block.
Stretch. Touch the end you just moved to anchor it in place. Grab the other end of the line and move it until it snaps to the bottom right corner of the block.
Select – touch the feathered heart. Rotate 45ยบ.
Move – move the heart until it is centered over the diagonal line. Note that this pattern is not symmetrical so ignore the bottom feather when moving the pattern into place. Turn on the grid to a quarter inch to help you place the pattern and equal distance from all 4 sides of the block. Scale it up if necessary.
(Note – the pattern has to please you – if it’s a little different to mine, that’s o.k. You may not want it to be quite as big, that’s o.k.)
When you are happy with the placement and scale of the pattern, touch finished > Add Pattern > Block Pattern > Use Current Block > select project catalog and choose double heart.
Scale it down, rotate it and move it into place using the diagonal line and the grid to help. Zoom in when necessary.
Finished > Delete Pattern – select the diagonal straight line and delete it.

(Better method note: it might be easier to leave the diagonal line in place and copy it along with the other 2 patterns. Then, at the next step, after rotating the patterns, you can simply make sure the diagonal is snapped to the upper right and lower left hand corners of the block for perfect placement rather than having to move just the 2 patterns around as I do in the video. Delete the two straight lines after doing that step)

Copy Pattern(s) > touch both the patterns, or select all.
Rotate the patterns and move them into position using the grid as a guide. Zooming in really helps too.

Copy Patterns > Select All > rotate. Grab the center reference point that lies between the 2 patterns and move them until that point snaps to the center point of the middle block of the bottom three.

Add Pattern > Block Pattern > Select Block – touch the top middle block.
Select CQ feather square 7. Move it into position, matching a corner reference point with a corner of the block. Scale it up to fill the block.
Copy Pattern > select CQ feather and move the copy into place in the left hand side empty block.
Copy Pattern and select both CQ feather square patterns.
Move them into place.

Add Pattern > Block Pattern > Select Block – touch the center block.
Choose Simply Feathered motif and move it into place. Scale it up if you feel it’s necessary.

Add Pattern > Block Pattern > Use Current Block – select spiral and scale it down to fit in the center of the simply feathered motif.

Look over everything to make sure nothing needs modifying, and that everything looks good to you, then select save quilt/pattern > save the quilt. Give it a name and save it in your project catalog.

Next time we’ll add the sashing and border patterns.

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