How to Use This Blog
The IQ system is constantly evolving, so please keep in mind that some of the older videos may show features that have been replaced by newer ones, or buttons that have changed position or names. However, the videos have not been removed because the methods demonstrated are still valid.

Monday, November 4, 2024
Where to find the Baptist Fan Generator on Intelliquilter system
Sunday, August 25, 2024
S shaped block that needs to be filled with circles.
I quilter on a quilting forum asked this question : Hypothetically I have created an s-shaped space by stitching double lines, not a traditional block. It is wide at one end and narrow at the other. I would like to fill that space with circles that gradually get smaller. Can I do that with IQ?
Here is my answer:
O.k. - just worked this out - it took me 11 minutes to add the pearls to the funnel, as you can see from my project timer. I created the funnel first as close to yours as I could. This is the end result:
This is how I did it.
First I selected arc 2 from the geometric catalog. I modified it slightly - notice the start and end points are not on the same horizontal plane. I then copied the modified pattern and moved it making the top two arcs. I copied those two patterns and moved them to make the bottom of the funnel. I rotated them to make one end of the funnel wider than the other. If the ends of the funnel aren't even, you can decrease the size of the block slightly and use it as a clipping block to trim off the uneven ends of the funnel.
Before I combined the funnel parts into one continuous pattern, as in your sketch, I copied one of the s shaped lines and moved it to one side. I combined the other 4 lines to make the funnel. I then moved the copied s shape to the middle to use as a guide for placing the circles. I then saved this as a quilt because there are two patterns here.(The combined arcs for the funnel, and the guide line.) I can use this in the future when I want to add different fillers.
This is where I re-set my timer.
First I added a small block and brought the circle from the geometric catalog into it. I then added the half circle and placed it on top of the circle, using stretch to re-size it, and combined the two so now I had a continuously stitched circle that could be joined to others.
I chose repeat pattern and selected X repeats and made about 15.
I selected the first circle and moved it to the funnel. I made the S touch my guide line, then selected stretch. I anchored the S and grabbed the e and made the circle fit between the inner edges of the funnel. By using stretch, the circle stays to scale and doesn't get distorted.
I touched select, then touched the next circle on my row and moved it to the funnel. I made the s of this circle snap to the e of the circle already in place. I selected stretch, anchored the start, and then dragged the e until circle number 2 fit between the lines. I kept the e's always on my guide line. If the circles overlapped a little I rotated and moved them slightly but always kept the e of each circle on the guide line.
I continued in that way until the funnel was full.
I then combined all the circles to make one continuous pattern, and moved the guide line away.
All my circles will have the double stitched part on the same side - if you want them to alternate, one at the top, the next at the bottom, just flip Y every other circle before you move them to the funnel. You could also combine the circles with the funnel and save it as one pattern.
11 minutes isn't too long is it?
Friday, August 2, 2024
Removing IQ Motors for Service
Adjusting the IQ motor brackets
I had to reload Helen's original post as the video link was broken.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Friday, May 3, 2024
Sunday, January 14, 2024
How to check that your motors are running straight.
This document shows how to check whether your motors need straightening or not. If they are only slightly crooked, this method will work. If they are grossly out of alignment, you will need to adjust the brackets screws, which is shown in another post.
The photos show only the X motor (the one that runs the length of the table) on my Gammill Premier. Check the Y motor in the same way. The photos show an original motor with the white gears, and a supermotor with the clear belt. Your motor may look slightly different but the mounting block will be the same. It is important to place the straight edge against the mounting block and not the motor cover.
Take the cover off the motor and place a straight edge against the mounting block that has the two set screws, as shown in the photos.